Daily Manna Devotionals




This is a personal interlude in our running topic, as the title already suggests. It’s definitely not off-tangent nor non sequitur but rather parenthetical to it. Let me lead it off with this quote from Brian Stelter of CNN, which caught my eye as I made my quick morning scan of internet news on my smart phone. He wrote:

“On the internet, everything looks the same….Warping the public discourse, creating less space for the big stories and the big debates that we need to have.”

And I quickly add, “not only warping the public discourse”merely, “but creating less space” for God Almighty’s last merciful warnings of the everlasting gospel, contained in the most comprehensive and all-embracing messages of the Third angel of Revelation to the churches and earth’s inhabitants, before the only door of probation closes forever!

I have a rule which I now follow carefully (and recommend to you) which is based on the Bible principles of how and why we must “eat and digest the manna” of God’s Word, specially the joined-at-the-hip prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. The final edition of the gospel is not in Psalms or Proverbs, or Parables or the synoptic Gospels, not even the he epistles of the New Testament but in Prophecy!

The first angel “flying in the midst of heaven” with his message, meaning covering the whole earth, is introduced as “the EVERLASTING GOSPEL” announcing that “His hour of judgment has come,” imploring and warning all to worship the Creator of heaven and earth, as Adam and Eve worshipped Him on the day He rested from His completed, perfect work of creating. He blessed, sanctified, set apart, and gave this day a proper name, the Sabbath.

This rule is:
Never interpret prophecy by current events (particularly in these last days, as portrayed in the internet and digital platforms). Instead, interpret current events by the Bible’s prophecies (of which you must first be knowledgeable of, through diligent, continuous healing and progressive study, not merely in cadence with the drumbeat of the times, but ahead of it, as it was divinely-designed to precisely do for God’s faithful people).

This is how I have learned to discipline and allow my “feet” to be guided, when scanning the internet for late-breaking news headlines and stories—-which to quickly ignore, or what may be worth the time and effort to check out.

To this moment, I haven’t YET seen any real need to open any social media accounts. I will do so ONLY if and when unmistakably moved by the Holy Spirit, as experience has taught me. How many lies, false narratives, misinformation and disinformation-by-design, wild Bible-contradicting conspiracy theories that shockingly have gained a mysterious, bewitching, strangle-hold on, of all people, politicians, lawyers, law-makers, and worse although also prophesied, church-attending, praying, Bible-reading Christians! God have mercy!

I have resisted from the beginning, suggestions from well-meaning friends to go on social media. Thus far, I am not missing anything essential! And yet grave concerns of responsible members of society are decrying over the long, sinister, corrupting tentacles of another even deadlier “pandemic” that is steadily corralling the minds, actions, and aspirations of both young and old alike, as has never been witnessed before.

Influences and influencers of all stripes are leading unnumbered millions father away from the testing truths for the last days into a dark and bleak spiritual wilderness, another kind of “black hole” on earth, not in deep space, where the silent and unspectacular, yet salvation-giving light and “still small voice” of the Holy Spirit is at once blocked and silenced at the only entrance to the conscience of man.

By the spiritual template and testing standard of “the law and the testimony” (Isa. 8:20), the word of truth of the living Word, revealed through the written Word, “It is written, is the only safe way we can negotiate through the hazy maze of Babylonian confusion in these last days.

This includes how to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” as we move among “wolves in sheep’s clothing,”discerning in alacrity and dispatch how, where, and when to “launch” into the swirling waves of the internet’s ocean of information and disinformation—-lest Eve-like, our eyes be dazzled, ears titillated by countless lilting voices, and our imaginations fired up to activate the brain powers to move the fingers, Ouija board-like, to follow the invisible lead, entranced, mesmerized, and ensnared by Satan’s unnumbered schemes.

Satan, working desperately “knowing his time is short,”’ through his evil spirits and wicked human agencies, working in tandem, knows where, when, and what our weaknesses and vulnerabilities are, even if we think we are doing things under the cloak of secrecy in the darkest part of the night. We forget that “the night has a thousand eyes”closely watching our every move. And they are not high-resolution, military-grade surveillance cameras!

Nehemiah, like Daniel (or vice-versa) knew the science of answered prayer. He followed the principle enunciated where God said He has “a time and place for every purpose.” When faithfully followed, God promises to “make all things beautiful in His and it’s TIME” and His WAY.

I recall our present lesson on how Nehemiah engaged in a LONG PRAYER period. Lasting four months, seeking and ascertaining God’s will, and claiming God’s promises since certain requirements of God had already been complied with. All these were the preparations leading up to the SHORT PRAYER at the precise moment of opportunity, which I call the CRISIS PRAYER OF A COMMANDMENT-KEEPIiNG SAINT.

As prophecy clearly reveals, it is certain that we are facing “more and more calamitous and greater disasters” as we near the final crisis. Instead of cringing in fear, discouragement, self-pity, and murmuring like the Israelites, we should rather take all these in the spirit of the working “faith of Jesus”’and view them as “special opportunities” to upgrade our prayer life and practices by “examining and proving ourselves”—not others “whether we are really in the faith” or just endlessly discussing or even pontificating upon it, to no avail.

Remember that Christ’s life of power was inextricably intertwined with His life of prayer. As the Life giver in the flesh, every breathe He took while on earth—with all the weaknesses and passions but not the pollutions of our fallen human nature—was both a prayer and a breathe of life!

This is what is meant when “He breathed His spirit”’upon the 70 disciples” before His death, resurrection, and ascension whence He sent the Holy Spirit, His “other Comforter” who descended upon the 120 disciples in the upper room, in the appearance not of “burnished-color dove,” but of “cloven tongues of fire.”

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Godhead or the “Trinity” which is not a Biblical term but used by the churches to describe the Godhead, which is a Biblical term used in the epistles of Paul.

The Holy Spirit is not merely a Spirt “spirit” or “the breathe of Christ” as some who teach the fearful, Holy Spirit-grieving blasphemy that there is only the Father and Son that make up the Godhead!

Christ, our Pattern Man’s life was the quintessential model of a living, walking Prayer itself. Enoch’s life came closest to it; and he was translated to heaven without tasting the first death, as the very special reward for such mortals, even before receiving the “crown” that is eternal life.

Like Daniel, Nehemiah and the righteous men and women of the Bible, who “lived, moved, and had their being” constantly working for God through crisis after crisis, he knew how, when, and what to pray for——LONG periods of prayerful seeking of God’s will, in preparation for both revealed and therefore anticipated crisis to come, or unanticipated and unknown ones, and then the SHORT but “effectual fervent PRAYER of a righteous man that avails much,” at the precise moment of the crisis. This is also the more comprehensive explanation of what it means “to pray without ceasing.”

If for any reason whatsoever you may find yourself unable to pray as you used and ought to do in the morning, before taking on the “evils of the day,” here’s a short one I recommend from the pen of inspiration:

“Take me O Lord, as wholly Thine. I lay all my plans at Thy feet. Use me today in Thy service, Lord. Abide in me and let all my work be wrought in me.” Amen.

To be continued. Bless all, NMF

Daily Manna Devotionals




Jesus said that following the “trodding down of Jerusalem and the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled” (Luke 21:24)—a triple application prophecy—this one referring to the Dark Ages when the “Gentiles trod down spiritual “Jerusalem” of the “Israel of the Alps,” the Waldenses, and the rest of the unnumbered millions of faithful Sabbath-keeping saints of the ages, persecuted and martyred by the Roman papal church by the Church of Rome onward for 1, 260 years ending in 1798.

After this, in this broad outline of the end-time prophecies given in its details in Daniel and Revelation, Jesus said. “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth DISTRESS OF NATIONS, WITH PERPLEXITY; THE SEA [of peoples, humanity] AND THE WAVES ROARING; MEN’S HEARTS FAILING FOR FEAR, AND FOR LOOKING AFTER THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE COMING ON THE EARTH; FOR THE POWERS OF HEAVEN SHALL BE SHAKEN.” Luke 21: 25, 26, KJV.

Note that Jesus was declaring a prophecy, and therefore used prophetic language. “Spiritual things are spiritually discerned.” Following the prophetic chronology after the end of the 2300-day prophecy in 1844, to the present time of a disturbingly unsettled state in the world, then consider the following excerpts from the book The Great Controversy by E. G. White, 1912 ed., ‘The Impending Conflict,’ ch. 36, pp. 589, 590 (be sure to read the whole chapter for yourself).

“Through Spiritualism, Satan appears as a benefactor of the (human) race, HEALING THE DISEASES of the people, and professing to present a NEW AND MORE EXALTED SYSTEM OF RELIGIOUS FAiTH; but at the same time he works as a destroyer. His TEMPTATIONS are leading multitudes to ruin. INTEMPERANCE dethrones reason; sensual indulgence, strife, and bloodshed follow.

“Satan delights in WAR: for it excites the worst passions of the soul [the whole living person], and sweeps into eternity it’s victims steeped in vice and blood. It is his object to INCITE NATIONS to war against one another; for he can thus DIVERT the minds of the people FROM THE WORK OF PREPARATION TO STAND IN THE DAY OF GOD [the pre-advent, investigative judgment currently taking place in the heavenly sanctuary with Christ as both High Priest and Judge of all the earth].

“Satan WORKS THROUGH THE ELEMENTS also to garner HIS HARVEST OF UNPREPARED SOULS. He has studied the SECRETS OF THE LABORATORIES OF NATURE, and he uses all his power to control the elements, as far as God allows. When he was suffered to afflict Job [read the book of Job], how quickly flocks and herds, servants, houses, his [ten] CHILDREN were swept away, ONE TROUBLE SUCCEEDING ANOTHER AS IN A MOMENT.

“It is GOD that shields His creatures, and hedges them in from the power of the destroyer [Satan].”
To be continued. Bless all, NMF

Daily Manna Devotionals




Here’s one take, among countless others and counting, in hindsight, sadly, yet understandably a common assessment shared among the whole spectrum of humanity, this side of the pandemic:

“The most menacing, disruptive, psychologically aggressive period that our world has been in since the ‘60s.” – Sharon Stone, as told in The NY Times story and quoted in People, on-line news, Mar. 24, 2021.

Experts, pundits, preachers, modern, self-anointed, self-sent, time-setting prophets and seers of all stripes and different, dissonant, and even conflicting religious persuasions, will divine their individual “tea leaves” and either “see a bad moon rising” and the start of the “battle of armageddon, or the “dawning” of another “Age of of Aquarius (since the first, touted in the Hippie generation, proved to be an illusion) that finally ushers in global peace, love, unity. and untrammeled liberty to whatever desire dictates, etc. that finally ushers in the long-awaited global peace, love, prosperity, and untrammeled liberty to indulge whatever desire dictates.

l dare not hazard any personal opinions, insights, or interpretations on a subject that is increasingly moving up, front and center of the global discourse for it not only impacts the present but shapes the trajectory of everyone’s future and plans. In fact there is absolutely no need for all these vain efforts of mortals with finite minds! The divine Revealer of secrets and the eternal destiny of mankind has already “revealed His secrets to and through His servants, the prophets” (Amos 3:7).

Here is perhaps one the greatest of opportunities to test and prove beyond a doubt whether the writings of Ellen G. White are truly inspired by the Holy Spirit and is “the gift of prophecy given to the remnant church” of Revelation.

All by now, nationally and globally, are expecting that the worst is soon to be over and that light at the end of the dark pandemic tunnel is already getting brighter and brighter and that soon this pandemic will enter the books of history with whatever degree of ignominy the historians and writers assign it but was conquered by the wisdom, innovative and creative powers of man.

Now, here’s what the book, The Great Controversy reveals, in the context of all Biblical prophecies of the last days of the major and minor prophets of the Old Testament, the mini apocalypse of Christ recorded in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, particularly the last part of Daniel and amplified in greater and end-time detail in Revelation?

Read it here tomorrow, then test it’s truthfulness and reliability by the coming events on the horizon, anticipated or otherwise. Be patient, remain calm, pray as you never did before and place your souls in God’s hands. Remember that salvation, has, and always will be individual to the close of probation. God bless all, NMF

Daily Manna Devotionals




Before we hastily and perhaps presumptuously answer either YES or NO, we need to “count the cost” by first arming our minds with the principles expressed in the following:

Firstly, no “good news” is truthfully good, no matter how “positive” or “reassuring” it sounds or looks if it is too-good-to-be-true, irrational, too far deep in either extreme ends of the reality spectrum, highly speculative, with many loose ends dangling, sensational, fanatical, is a confirmed conspiracy, contradicts common-sense and causes confusion, anxiety, fear of phantom-like enemies that leads to panic mode decision-making.

Desperation under intense and prolonged duress renders those who are not firmly grounded spiritually to become virtually sitting ducks for any “duck-hunter” to shoot down with hardly any effort or skill. It’s open season in Satan’s enchanted hunting grounds.

In fact, paraphrasing the original saying, many who look strong and unflinching in their faith, will, when this prophesied crisis finally comes, surrender their God-given inalienable, thus ESSENTIAL freedoms and rights in exchange for TEMPORARY safety. As the saying concludes, such compromising cowards do not deserve to enjoy either the inalienable essentials nor the temporary safety and conveniences extended by fellow mortals and sinners who act as though they were Gos in earth.

Remember that “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” To fall asleep and fail to be a trustworthy spiritual “watchman in the tower” is suicidal and exposes the helpless and unwary around you to the predation of the “ravenous, night wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

Let’s all be be thinkers, with the mind God has given us, not mere reflectors, automaton-like of other men’s ideas and assertions. To be continued tomorrow, God willing. NMF

Daily Manna Devotionals




They were hunted like wild beasts! “The Earl of Tholouse (in France) was finally forced to bow to Rome, and God’s people [at that time] were hunted as wild beasts everywhere. Here are some of the laws of Louis IX, King of France, A.D., 1229:

Canon 3: The lords of the different districts shall have the villas, houses, and woods diligently searched, and the hiding-places of the heretics destroyed.
Canon 4: If anyone allows a heretic to remain in his territory, he loses his possession forever, and his BODY is in the hands of the magistrates to receive due punishment.
Canon 5: But also such are liable to the law [man’s, not God’s], whose territory has been made a frequent hiding-place of heretics, not by his knowledge, but by his negligence.
Canon 6: The house in which the heretic is found, shall be torn down, and the place or land confiscated.
Canon 14: Lay members are NOT ALLOWED TO POSSESS THE BOOKS OF EITHER THE OLD OR NEW TESTAMENT.’ – ‘Hefele’s Councils,’ Vol. 5, pp. 981, 982. ‘History of the Sabbath,’ New, p. 558.

“These laws were only ECHOES of the ‘BULLS’ of the Popes. But while the Waldenses of the French side of the Alps were being EXTERMINATED, the pope had a more difficult task to destroy them in the Piedmont Alps.

“From Pope Lucius III (A.D. 1181-1185) to the Reformation of the seventeenth century the persecution of the Waldenses was the subject of many papal ‘ANATHEMAS.’ Army after army were sent against them, and, ALL MANNER OF TRICKERY was resorted to in order to destroy these HONEST, PLAIN, CHRISTIAN PEOPLE.

“In 1488 Albert Cataneo, the papal legate came with an army into the midst of Val Louise. The inhabitants fled to a cavern for shelter, and the soldiers started a fire at the mouth of the cavern and smothered the entire population of 3,000, including 400 children.”……”In 1544 the treacherous and heatless Catholic leader, D’Oppede caused the terrible butchery of thousands of Waldenses. At Cabrieres he wrote a note to the people, saying that if they would open the gates of their city he would do them no harm. They, in good faith, opened the gates, and D’Oppede cried out: ‘Kill them all.’ Men, women, and CHILDREN were massacred or burned alive.

“In 1655 there was another massacre of Waldenses. After the Catholic leaders made several vain attempts to break into the fastness of the mountains where the Waldenses lived, and were defeated, the Marquis of Piannese wrote the various Waldensian towns to entertain certain regiments of soldiers to show their good faith. These CHRISTIAN people, who always had such SACRED REGARD for their own word, NEVER SEEMED TO LEARN that it is a FUNDAMENTAL CATHOLIC DOCTRINE, that Catholics need not, and SHOULD NOT, ‘keep faith with heretics when the INTEREST OF THE CHURCH [not Christ and His truth!] IS AT STAKE. After they had sheltered the soldiers, and fed them of their SCANTY store, a signal was given at 4 AM., April 24, 1655, and the butchery began.

“LITTLE CHILDREN, Leger says, were torn from the arms of their mothers, and dashed against the rocks, and cast carelessly away. The sick or the aged, both men or women, were either burned in their houses, or hacked in pieces, of mutilated, half murdered, and flayed alive, they were exposed in a dying state to the heat of the sun, or to the flames, or to ferocious beasts.’ – ‘Israel of the Alps,’ Dr. Alexis Muston, Vol. I, pp. 349, 350.

“These people [Christlike and apostles-like] suffered tortures TOO TERRIBLE to mention, which only DEVILS in human form could have invented. The towns in the beautiful valleys were left smoldering ruins. A few people saved themselves by fleeing to the mountains.” – ‘Facts of Faith,’ C. Edwardson, pp. 131, 132, 133, Southern Publishing Asso., Nashville 8 TN: 1943.

If we claim to be part of the remnant of spiritual Israel in these last days, our profession of faith will soon be tested even as the “Israel of the Alps” were tested and tried, and passed the test in ignominy but to God’s glory! Truly indeed, “the blood of martyrs was the seed of the genuine gospel,”—-not the “peace-and-safety prosperity gospel” which is “another gospel.”
Bless all in your study, NMF

Daily Manna Devotionals




This prayer and desire embraces all the law-abiding, law-loving living saints of God, because we can only pray for the living, not the dead saints, for “the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward [such as “posthumous rewards,” etc.]; for the memory of them is forgotten.”…. “for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, wither thou goest” (Eccl. 9: 5, 10).

This personal prayer and desire for you during these most solemn, dwindling hours of probation, are inspired by, contained in, and expressed through a personal emphasized, reading of Colossians 1: 9-14, KJV. Please open your bibles and join me as we establish and reinforce our church family fellowship connection and interrelationships, and electrify the loop and enrich the content and substance of our communications and interactions. So here it is:

“For this cause (“the word of the truth of the gospel,” “the knowledge of the grace of God in truth,” and our “love in the Spirit,” vs 5, 6, 8) I also, since the day I heard it, do not cease to PRAY for you, and to DESIRE that you might be FILLED WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIS WIlLL IN ALL WISDOM AND SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING.

That you might walk (live the course of your life) WORTHY OF THE LORD unto all, pleasing, BEING FRUITFUL (not barren or “reprobate”) IN EVERY GOOD WORK (for “faith without works is dead”), and INCREASING (daily) in the KNOWLEDGE of God, STRENGTHENED WITH ALL MIGHT, according to CHRIST’S GLORIOUS POWER, to ALL PATIENCE AND LONG SUFFERING WITH JOYFULNESS.

Giving thanks (“without ceasing,” meaning having the attitude of) unto the Father, who has made us meet (fitted through sanctification) to be PARTAKERS of the INHERITANCE [justification is our title to, and sanctification is our fitness for this] OF THE SAINTS.

For Jesus, through the workings of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and minds has delivered us from (not in) the power of darkness of the prince of darkness and his HOSTS of evil into the KNOWLEDGE of His dear Son:

In and through whom we have REDEMPTION [purchased through HIS BLOOD not by our good works], even the forgiveness of our sins [that have been repented of, and turned away from].”

In the only name under heaven by which and whom we are saved from sinning, Jesus Christ, first, the Son of God, then the Son of man. Amen.

Remember to overcome one day at a time progressively, and one prayer at a time, hence the need to pray daily! NMF

Daily Manna Devotionals




“To destroy completely these [Waldensian] heretics Pope Innocent III sent DOMINICAN INQUISITORS into France and also the CRUSADERS, promising ‘a plenary remission of all sins, to those I who took on them the crusade….against the Albigenses [Waldenses of France]. When Raymond VI, Earl of Tholouse, shielded this innocent people, who were such an ASSET to his country, he was deposed by the pope’(Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. XII, art. ‘Raymond VI,’ p. 670). Being frightened by the SAVAGE CRUSADERS Raymond submitted, and the papal legate publicly whipped till ‘he was so grievously torn by the stripes’ that he had to leave the church by a back door. (Ibid, pp. 98,100.) He later appealed to Innocent III. ‘The Pope, however, ceded the estates of Raymond to Simon de Montfort,’(1215) (Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. II, art. ‘Raymond VI, p.670).

“In 1216 to 1221 Raymond reconquered his land, and after his death, his son became Earl, and ‘the INQUISITION WAS BANISHED from Tholouse. But Pope Honorius an HOLY WAR, to be called the ‘PENANCE WAR,’ against the heretics,’ and ‘to subdue the Earl of Tholouse, he sent letters to King Louis’ of France to make war on Raymond, which he did.

“But TREACHERY, which has always been one the most successful WEAPONS of the Papacy against God’s people, had to be resorted to here. When the pope’s legate saw that he could not take the city of Avignon by force, he ‘scrupled not to adopt the VILEST treachery and practiced BASEST hypocrisy.

“He offered to suspend hostilities, and pave the way for PEACE [watch out for this word in movements ahead of us], if the besieged would admit a FEW PRIESTS, only to inquire concerning the ‘faith’ of the inhabitants; and those terms being agreed upon and sealed by MUTUAL OATHS; the priests entered, but in DIRECT VIOLATION of their solemn engagement, brought the FRENCH ARMY with them, who thus fraudulently triumphed over the unsuspecting citizens; they plundered the city, killed or bound in chains the inhabitants.’ (Ibid, pp. 104-106).” – ‘Facts of Faith,’ C.Edwardson, pp. 129-30. Southern Publishing Asso., Nashville, TN: 1943.

In case Filipinos are not aware of this historical fact regarding the Dominican Order’s earliest presence in the Philippines, how, and through what means, here are excerpts from Wikipedia:

“The foundation of the University of Sto.Tomás is ascribed to Miguel de Benavides, O.P., the 3rd Bishop of Manila. He came to the Philippines on the FIRST DOMINICAN MISSION in 1587. This makes the UST as the first and only formally declared ROYAL [state] and PONTIFICAL [church] university in the Philippines….. taking its name and inspiration from Saint Thomas Aquinas, a DOMINICAN theologian…..Beginning in the 1250s, INQUISITORS were generally chosen from the DOMINICAN ORDER, replacing the earlier practice of having local clergy as judges.” (Wikipedia).

Learn well, be intellectually and spiritually discerning between the real and counterfeits and be better prepared for what is coming. Bless all, NMF

Daily Manna Devotionals




“And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Rev. 12:17, KJV

“The [Waldensian] messenger of truth went on his way [after sharing the precious truth with those hungering and thirsting for it]; but his appearance of humility, sincerity, his earnestness and deep fervor, were subjects of frequent remark. In many instances his hearers has not asked him whence he came and whither he went. They had been so overwhelmed, at first with surprise, and afterward with gratitude and joy, that they had not thought to question him. When they had urged him to accompany them to their homes, he replied that he must visit ‘the lost sheep of the flock.’

“In many cases the messenger of truth was seen no more. He had made his way to other lands, or he was WEARING OUT HIS LIFE in some unknown dungeon, or perhaps HIS BONES WERE WHITENING on the spot where he had witnessed [testified] for the truth But the WORDS HE HAD LEFT BEHIND COULD NOT BE DESTROYED. They were doing their work in the HEARTS of men; THE BLESSED RESULTS WILL BE FULLY KNOWN ONLY IN THE JUDGMENT.

“The Waldensian missionaries were invading the KINGDOM OF SATAN [on earth], and the powers of darkness aroused to greater vigilance. Every effort to advance the truth was watched by the prince of evil [especially now!], and he excited the fears of his agents. The PAPAL LEADERS saw a portent of danger to their cause from the labors of these humble itinerants. If the light of truth were allowed to shine unobstructed, it would sweep away the HEAVY CLOUDS OF ERROR that enveloped the people; it would direct the minds of the minds of men to GOD ALONE, and would eventually DESTROY THE SUPREMACY OF ROME…..

“When Rome determined to exterminate the hated sect, a BULL was issued by the Pope, condemning them as HERETICS, and delivering them to SLAUGHTER. (see appendix on this page of the book). They were NOT accused as idlers, or dishonest, or disorderly; but it was declared that they had the APPEARANCE of piety and sanctity that SEDUCED ‘THE SHEEP OF THE TRUE FOLD.’ Therefor the Pope ordered ‘that malicious and abominable sect of malignants,’ if they ‘refuse to abjure, to be crushed like venomous snakes.’ (Wylie, b.16, ch.1).

“Did this haughty potentate expect to meet those words again? Did he know they were registered in the books of heaven, to CONFRONT him at the judgment? [Matt. 25:40 quoted].

“This bull called upon all members of the church (of Rome) to join the CRUSADE [Islamic counterpart is jihad] against the heretics. As an INCENTIVE to engage in this cruel work, it ‘absolved from all ecclesiastical pains and penalties, general or particular; it released all who joined the crusade from ANY OATHS they might taken; it LEGITIMIZED their title to any property that they might have ILLEGALLY acquired; and promised REMISSION OF ALL THEIR SINS to such as should KILL any heretic. If ANNULLED all contracts made in favor of Vaudois (Waldenses), ordered their domestics [servants, employees] to ABANDON them, FORBADE all persons to give them any aid whatever, and EMPOWERED all persons to take possession of their property.’ (Ibid)

“This document clearly reveals the masterful spirit BEHIND the scenes. It is the ROAR OF THE DRAGON, AND NOT THE VOICE OF CHRIST, that is heard therein.” – ‘Great Controversy,’ 1911 ed., E. G. White, pp. 75,76,77. Pacific Press Publishing Asso., Mt. View, CA.

Soon God’s last-day “Waldenses” will hear the voice of the “beast with lamb-like horns” “speaking like a dragon” (Rev. 13:11-17). Are they prepared? God bless all, NMF