
Where the Eroding Laws and Institutions of Man, the Churches and the Crumbling of Society Are Leading To

Friday Morning Manna                                                              February 28, 2020

Nathaniel Fajardo                                                                     email:[email protected] 

Where the Eroding Laws and Institutions of Man, the Churches and the Crumbling of Society Are Leading To

I cannot thank God enough for the high and holy privilege—with the corresponding accountability to Him that comes with it—of still having free, untrammeled access to “the Spirit of prophecy, which is the Testimony of Jesus” (Rev. 10: 10) entrusted to the “remnant people” who further carry the distinctive mark as “the saints patiently keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” Rev. 14: 12.  On that I share these. The extracts below are from the inspired pen of Ellen G. White in her must-read, must-own, must-study-with-Bible-prophecy, non-fiction, handbook of the last days, “The Great Controversy,” 1911 ed., pp. 584-589:

Church Authority vs Heaven’s Authority; Church Doctrine vs Bible Doctrine; Man’s Laws vs God’s Law. “No error accepted by the Christian world strikes more boldly against the authority of Heaven, none is more directly opposed to the dictates of reason, none is more pernicious in its results, than the modern doctrine, so rapidly gaining ground [this was written in 1884], that God’s law is no longer binding upon men.