
He Surrendered and Submerged His Will to the Father’s Will

Friday Morning Manna                                  October 4, 2019 Nathaniel Fajardo                                       

email: [email protected]

He Surrendered and Submerged His Will to the Father’s Will

“For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.”

John 6: 38

It will never suffice to reverently address Him in muffled tones, “Lord Jesus” or frenziedly shout “Jesus is Lord! Hallelujah,” or engage in any of the popular forms in the Christian mainstream of praise-worshipping and glorifying Him as “Lord and Savior” or even performing the miraculous,  including casting out demons, using His name—unless the one professing and performing such things is factually and in reality,  doing the will of the Father.