
Biblical Numerology: NUMBER TWO- Part III

Photo Credit by Flickr/Miles Sabin
Photo Credit by Flickr/Miles Sabin

September 26, 2014
Nathaniel Fajardo
Email:[email protected]

Biblical Numerology: NUMBER TWO- Part III

Conversion and Renovation. After true conversion (and reconversion, whenever necessary), the Christian’s path forward is growth, character renovation (or perfection, Matt. 5: 48, K.J.V.)—a progressive process of a lifetime covering the whole person–mind, heart, body, and spirit (vital principle; mental disposition). In His wisdom and love, God converted fallen, cursed earth into the fitting-up place for Heaven–not some conjured-up place “between heaven and hell” called “Purgatory!”

Safe and Sound. It begins with deliverance from the despotic and enslaving power of sin— being saved (rescued, snatched) from the clutches of Satan, the tempter, deceiver, accuser, and destroyer of man. Rescued from this spiritually and physically degraded condition, the now “saved” soul is to be made sound—i.e., freed from defects; flawless.