Monthly Studies

Study for Month November 2012 : Angels In Our Midst

Study for Month November 2012


In October 11, 2003, a local Adventist church celebrated their seventh anniversary at the Carson Civic Center. They published a souvenir program marking their church milestone with the theme: “Angels in Our Midst.” It was their chosen theme that caught my attention—not the pictures of the highlights of their church activities—although it is still true that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” The subject of angels lingered persistently on my mind, compelling me to review my notes and references of previous studies on the subject and update them from the law and the testimony. Finally, as a matter of habit, it resulted in putting this study notes together for my own personal edification and handy reference. It is by no means exhaustive but rather informative, open to further expansion in the light of the plan of salvation through prayerful study by any and all diligent spiritual truth-seekers of the magnificent plan of redemption.

Declaration of Intention

As usual, I share this information, with all the references included for further personal study in the hope that it will result in at least three things: