thereby lessened, much less its binding claims done away with as preposterously claimed by many as to have been “nailed to the cross.” Many somehow forget or deliberately ignore one fact, among many others when discussing the Sabbath topic, and that is, Jesus was born of Jewish parents, was circumcised according to the Jewish custom on the eighth day, grew up, died, and resurrected—all in the only seventh-day Sabbath-keeping people of His time—the Jewish nation. At His crucifixion, the “tipping point of eternity,” the sacred record says: “The superscription over His accusation was written over these words” in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew, testifying to all and for eternity that Jesus was “KING OF THE JEWS.” Mark 15: 26; Luke 23: 38.
As to what day of the week the Sabbath was and is, at that time, was never in doubt or subject to debate. But something else was definitely a problem, causing the Sabbath to be profaned and made unholy, and it was not because another day, particularly the first day of the week was being observed. Christ’s prophesied work as “the Lord of the Sabbath,” of “magnifying the law and making it honorable” was to introduce a major overhaul in the manner, way, and spirit the Jewish nation, His chosen people then, was keeping the Sabbath.